Increased Blog Conversion Rate More than 11x the Goal

Increased Blog Conversion Rate More than 11x the Goal

Increased Blog Conversion Rate More than 11x the Goal

Increased Blog Conversion Rate More than 11x the Goal

July 2023 - December 2023


Sr. Manager of Website Strategy

Sprout Social

July 2023 - December 2023


Sr. Manager of Website Strategy

Sprout Social

The Opportunity and Goal

The Opportunity and Goal

The Sprout Social blog drives a significant amount of traffic. According to a free report pulled from SEMRush, the blog drove an average of ~2.5 million visits per month during the second half of 2023.

The Sprout Social blog drives a significant amount of traffic. According to a free report pulled from SEMRush, the blog drove an average of ~2.5 million visits per month during the second half of 2023.

sprout social traffic
sprout social traffic
sprout social traffic

However, after a change to the Sprout pricing model the blog's conversion rate began to drop. To ensure the leads and revenue generated from the blog remained consistent the team set a goal to increase blog-wide conversion rate by 5%.

I became the driver of this project given my experience with conversion rate optimization and Optimizely. But in order to achieve the lofty goal, I needed to blend the ability to work quickly with the desire to increase collaboration across all teams with a vested interest in the blog.

By the end of the year, the tests and website updates increased blog-wide conversion rates by 58%, more than 11x the set goal.

However, after a change to the Sprout pricing model the blog's conversion rate began to drop. To ensure the leads and revenue generated from the blog remained consistent the team set a goal to increase blog-wide conversion rate by 5%.

I became the driver of this project given my experience with conversion rate optimization and Optimizely. But in order to achieve the lofty goal, I needed to blend the ability to work quickly with the desire to increase collaboration across all teams with a vested interest in the blog.

By the end of the year, the tests and website updates increased blog-wide conversion rates by 58%, more than 11x the set goal.

However, after a change to the Sprout pricing model the blog's conversion rate began to drop. To ensure the leads and revenue generated from the blog remained consistent the team set a goal to increase blog-wide conversion rate by 5%.

I became the driver of this project given my experience with conversion rate optimization and Optimizely. But in order to achieve the lofty goal, I needed to blend the ability to work quickly with the desire to increase collaboration across all teams with a vested interest in the blog.

By the end of the year, the tests and website updates increased blog-wide conversion rates by 58%, more than 11x the set goal.

However, after a change to the Sprout pricing model the blog's conversion rate began to drop. To ensure the leads and revenue generated from the blog remained consistent the team set a goal to increase blog-wide conversion rate by 5%.

I became the driver of this project given my experience with conversion rate optimization and Optimizely. But in order to achieve the lofty goal, I needed to blend the ability to work quickly with the desire to increase collaboration across all teams with a vested interest in the blog.

By the end of the year, the tests and website updates increased blog-wide conversion rates by 58%, more than 11x the set goal.

Similar to the strategy with Landscape, I identified a high traffic blog post that could be converted into a free tool as well. The tool makes it easier to find the best times to post on social media based on your network of choice and industry.

There was a significant search opportunity to create free social media images that individuals or brands could download and post alongside their social content. The significant opportunities were two-fold: social media templates by individual network and social media templates by industry.

Similar to the strategy with Landscape, I identified a high traffic blog post that could be converted into a free tool as well. The tool makes it easier to find the best times to post on social media based on your network of choice and industry.

Results of the Conversion Rate Optimization

While I can't get into the specific tactics and tests run during this time given Sprout Social is a publicly traded company, I can detail the results of the conversion rate optimization done.


58% Increase in Top of Funnel Conversions

This includes net new trials, demos, and content downloads.


58% Increase in Top of Funnel Conversions

This includes net new trials, demos, and content downloads.


58% Increase in Top of Funnel Conversions

This includes net new trials, demos, and content downloads.


77% Increase in Trial Conversion Rate

30-day trials are a critical source of leads for Sprout and with testing their conversion rate increased 77%.


77% Increase in Trial Conversion Rate

30-day trials are a critical source of leads for Sprout and with testing their conversion rate increased 77%.


77% Increase in Trial Conversion Rate

30-day trials are a critical source of leads for Sprout and with testing their conversion rate increased 77%.


54% increase Content Downloads

Content downloads build up the Sprout Social email database for nurturing and are key for generating MQLs.


54% increase Content Downloads

Content downloads build up the Sprout Social email database for nurturing and are key for generating MQLs.


54% increase Content Downloads

Content downloads build up the Sprout Social email database for nurturing and are key for generating MQLs.


90% Increase in Traffic to Closed-Won Deals

Not only did this campaign increase leads at the top of the funnel, but it proved valuable in actually generating more revenue for the business.


90% Increase in Traffic to Closed-Won Deals

Not only did this campaign increase leads at the top of the funnel, but it proved valuable in actually generating more revenue for the business.


90% Increase in Traffic to Closed-Won Deals

Not only did this campaign increase leads at the top of the funnel, but it proved valuable in actually generating more revenue for the business.